Tuesday, June 3, 2014

All Together Now - "I AM"


  1. I loved this posting. So there's a word for this state - 'mindfulness'. Fascinating, I've been finding this state much for frequently, and easily. And can now understand that happiness isn't found by improving your situation - it's always there, hiding behind your problem.

    Perhaps telling you "Just feel happy!" is naive. I don't know how you think. But it's that simple for me now. I may have 'practiced' many times for it to be this easy. Or maybe it really just a conscious choice to feel happy, whenever, wherever. And you just have to find that 'path' in your thinking. Familiarize yourself with that process.

    It does get hard still. There are moments when I forget all this and sink back into 3d life. "My contractor is spending too much of my money, or doing it wrong . . . etc". Arrgg!! Relax. Breath. View yourself from 'above', from the third person. Is this how you want to be feeling right now? Then just 'choose' to be happy again. Sometimes it takes 1/2 hour to calm down. But then its bliss again until the next 3d conflict!

    1. Ahhh.... bliss. That's what we are talking about. There seems to be nothing specific about it, it encompasses everything! Deciding to be happy is just such a great place to go, as Barry Neil Kaufman wrote "Happiness is a Choice".
