Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Ultimate Addiction

You are human.  Gloriously, exuberantly, perfectly human.  There is no better version of you.  Let go of your “higher” self.  You are multi-faceted.  You have lots of parts. There is one version of you, the one with an expanded view, who has decided to watch you now, joining this life you are living.  Your life.  The messy one.  The one with you in it.

What is going to emerge at the other end of all of this is another version of us.  Call it what you want, time is an illusion and Oneness is truth.  This means that we didn’t “start” anywhere and there are no “higher” parts of ourselves holding wisdom we don’t yet have.  It’s all you, all the time.

What we need are new words.  Words to unleash the creativity of a world full of multi-billionaire light beings.  What does a world with no restraints feel like?  Can you imagine life without financial, spiritual, mental or physical limitation?  Can you even visualize ten billion dollars?  It is a one, followed by ten zeros.  Those zeros, that seem to have all the power, are just a whole lotta nothing.  It is the One in front of them that makes it all happen.  That One would be you, the force of creation, here now to craft a world without limits.

The whole point seems to have been to drive ourselves to the edge of insanity, waiting, wondering and miserable; only to realize no one is coming.  It is done.
There are no ascended masters, galactic saviors or “higher” versions of ourselves on the way to save us.  This is our planet and we love her.  We are the Masters, the ones here to shift with her.

This was the trip you came for.  You have everything you need. No extra attachments are required to utilize the power here.  The power source is you – you’ve just forgotten how to turn yourself on.  You’ve done this before.  Today you are here to do it as a human.  You chose and were chosen to do this.  You are not alone.

We knew before we came that we’d have to get to this breaking point before we realized the truth:
The only answer is us.
The only place to be is here.
The only time is now.
The only ones to do it knew that they could, and that when the moment arrived, they would.

It is upon us now to find the new.  We need words and tools that never were. That 90% of unused stuff in your brain is getting itchy.  Your ability to create is legion.  It’s why you were chosen.  Take the crayons out of the box.  Work some magic. 

Start happening.  Imagine eternal vitality, relentless abundance, pervasive peace and wild joy, right alongside no traffic, great parking spots, good hair days and free concerts.  Hold happy.  Breathe music.  Whisper trees.  The vision you are holding is the life you are molding.

We are addicted to ourselves and there is not a 12 step program.  We wouldn’t join one if there were.  Humanity is the hottest game in town.  Everyone is watching and wants to join in.  We are passionately unhappy, dramatically ecstatic and violently loving.  We create things just to tear them down from boredom.  We run too fast, hide in corners, sing off key and gossip.  The human condition is us, and we love every inch and nuance.  We excite ourselves.

There is no better version to become. We are here to harness our innate essence.  While every single channel we listen to tells us how cool we are, we continue to believe we’re supposed to be something else.  These voices are reminders, nothing more or less, and we put them there.  This entire life is our creation.

We were never supposed to change.  The answer is not outside of ourselves.  We planned to fall desperately in love – with us.  We’ve hidden our magnificence in gold, in others and in promises of more.  We’ve blamed our failure on lack, on others and on outside limitation.

There’s no place else to go with this.  We’ve reached part 2 – self-emergence.  Your emotions are the trigger and the best part of you; they fuel the human experience and create worlds. Enjoy them and watch what happens.

You love to emote, to feel and to push beyond.  The angst of your heart is the subject of every song, each story and all of your favorite movies.  To dream is your birthright.  You’ve grown up inside institutions and ideas that said looking out the window was wrong, wasteful even.  This attempt to systematically erase your core truth has failed. You are bigger than any method of thought.

Embrace your humanity.  Your emotions are key to your power.  You only need desire and it is done.  Love who you are, see what you want and don’t stop until amazing happens.  Contrast fuels creation. 

We do that for each other.  We supply contrast. We give each other sparks. We are the Masters and the answer to every prayer.  We know what to do.  The reason we haven’t seen it yet or heard it yet is because we haven’t done it yet.  We’ve been waiting. 

We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.


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