Thursday, December 27, 2012

Time to say goodbye

Moving now into this heralded “golden age”, we come to this – full realization.  Without separation there is only love. Any division takes place within, as it is there creation is birthed.  The spark of desire drives it all.

Collectively we awaken and begin to see past one or the other, to all.  We are One, there is no other.  The sharp division of days, ideas, people and their truth is everything but. 

A moment in time is indefinable, except by emotion.  There is no clock to signify it has begun or ended; no calendar to prepare for its emergence.  A moment simply happens.  It is unrecognized until it is reflected upon.

We hold now the possibility of reflection and self-determination.  It is within us.  We’ve moved through this pivotal date, 12/21/12; it’s time to say goodbye.  We can all agree on at least that – it is over.  Anticipation, prediction, preparation or inquiry is no longer necessary, whew!

Perhaps the reason for all the hoopla and the “end of times" label was to get us to understand that time is not the point.  There are those who tell us that the “dimension” beyond “third” is that of “time”.  We’ve talked before about our clocks not working.  I can report that there are periods of “time” when even my cell phone tells me it’s a different day and hour than most of this time zone seems to think.  This then requires a complete reset, with power source removed, to get back in sync.  Time appears to be a random and subjective measurement.

So, as we move through this moment now of “after the shift”, how will we proceed?  To be sure there will be more predictions and promises of dates and events; yet all fall under “the beginning times”.

We’ve hung tightly on to beliefs, definitions and attitudes.  This next phase is about letting go; of clocks, dates and ideas that separate.  All is One.  Unity is possible.  Oneness is perceived via the heart.  It is our head that clings tightly – our heart knows only freedom.  This moment we’ve collectively stepped into will utilize our heart as the primary organ of perception in a conscious way.

It’ll be okay to set as primary objectives things like understanding, equality, mutual benefit, collective progress, empowerment and universal success.  We’ll declare it to be so.  Because we are human, we’ll create this beginning in a unique and exciting way.  It’ll be just as we like it best, filled with passion, thrills and edge of your comfort zone choices.  It will have contrast and comfort, expansion and steady growth. 

This is our moment. It cannot be foretold, it must be felt.  There will come a point when we’ll look back and reflect, and perhaps agree “Those were the beginning times.”  For today though, dates no longer have relevance – it is only now that matters.  There is no such thing as late or missed your chance – we are exactly where we need to be.  We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Here are the lyrics in English for this beautiful song (Time to say goodbye):

When I'm alone I dream of the horizon and words fail me.
There is no light in a room where there is no sun
and there is no sun if you're not here with me, with me.
From every window unfurls my heart the heart that you have won.
Into me you've poured the light,
the light that you found by the side of the road.

Time to say goodbye.
Places that I've never seen or experienced with you.
Now I shall, I'll sail with you upon ships across the seas,
seas that exist no more,
it's time to say goodbye.

When you're far away I dream of the horizon and words fail me.
And of course I know that you're with me, with me.
You, my moon, you are with me.
My sun, you're here with me with me, with me, with me.

Time to say goodbye.
Places that I've never seen or experienced with you.
Now I shall, I'll sail with you upon ships across the seas,
seas that exist no more,

I'll revive them with you.
I'll go with you upon ships across the seas,
seas that exist no more,
I'll revive them with you.
I'll go with you.

You and me.

1 comment:

  1. I agree- Time is NOT the point. But is IS a tool for learning- which means expansion. All of the "end of times" hoopla was not only a distractor, but also an awakener. We are sliding out of Time, and into Now presence- the whole of us in bodies here....i happily release all clocks, calendars, and other illusory mechanisms of the Time experience, like MONEY, AND DEATH....but then my body wants to take a breath, and i am once again returned into the memories and sequence that doesn't really exist.
    In Now, it is done, and i am safe, Loved, and Free.

    Thank You for your participation in this Spiral Journey, Sofia!
