And for one more day, BRAVE Mandala will guide your visual journey with the CHAK-Dala above and the words below.
3. VASTness
A drop in the ocean, and the ocean in a drop.
Within us is all the wisdom, all the deep feeling, of all things that have ever lived.
Trees, who have witnessed and felt for thousands of years.
Humans, who have struggled and laughed, thrived, learned and then transformed into something else.
exist as a momentary collection of star dust while we worry about
money and traffic and whether we are working hard enough. Then in the
blink of an eye we will exist in another way, as the air that is
breathed by countless plants and animals. Then in the next heart beat of
the cosmos, an astroid moving from one solar system to the next. We
are and have been All.
One with, and surrounded by, all the souls that we are.
Light condensed long enough to see light.
As we wrap up the quest…
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Our specialty is our personal CHAK-dalas. We custom tune them to you to show you your magnificence.
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Contact us to commission your own Personal CHAK-dala.
BRAVEmandala....audacious visuals of infinite love & strength redefined...BRAVEmandala
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