Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10+ Signs of Love~Love Quest~Day 3

This switch to Agape will not just happen. Well, it is happening within us, yet what is meant by that first statement is this: It will take conscious effort to convince you of it.

This earth life is mesmerizing. Our days are filled with stimulation on all fronts; each vying for our attention. Within these “business as usual” moments you'll feel moments of love. You'll have to look for them.

While the news media screams at you to “Be afraid, be very afraid”, Agape whispers - “just love”. Listen.

As a species, we learn by association. These “Agape Moments” are new. They stand alone; solitary testaments to truth. You are here now to remember. Take note of every instance that was not as you expected. These may be slight variations in behavior or they may be HUGE. Either way, notice them.

Note when love emerges. If you can, jot it down. Add a note on your phone or a voice memo to yourself - “I saw love just now”.

It is in the accumulation of this, our new story, that we alter history. The media is not on every corner – you are. You came now to usher in this shift of awareness. The way to change occurs in small increments; bit by bit we unite with love.

What sorts of things are love? Let's start with ten or so, you'll add more as you get the idea.

  • Someone holding the door for you
  • Someone letting you merge in traffic
  • Someone giving you a coupon in a grocery store
  • Finding a quarter, left by someone, in the lock on your grocery cart
  • A policeman slowing down, just to wave and say hello
  • A store clerk taking you right to the product you are searching for
  • People smiling at you
  • Someone handing you a CTA pass for the train
  • Someone letting you in front of them in the cashier line
  • A stranger sharing a story from their heart with you
  • Someone giving you change so you can park your car
  • A child helping another child without being asked to
  • A random hug
  • Finding a bag of fresh produce on your doorstep

These things are not new. They happen all the time. Yet we've put them in a category and mostly dismissed them as “once in awhile events”, “every so often a nice person” or luck. Here's where change happens.

As we notice and remember, we begin to expect. As we expect love, we create it. That's how it really works, how our lives are created. Agape is self love. Operating from there it's an easy jump to kindness and compassion. We are One. The world around you becomes a whole lot nicer when you are fulfilled.

What has been holding up our progress is the stories we've been using to learn. We've listened to society, institutions and the media long enough; as if we believe these stories are our own reality. They are not, unless you believe, expect and create them to be.

Tell new stories. Give yourself the gift of freedom and pursue a passion you've neglected. Then, watch how your mood is uplifted and we all look different to you. With eyes of Agape, see the moments of love surrounding your day. It is a circle. As we love each other, we love ourselves. We are One. These love moments you are immersed in are ever so much more real than the evening news.

Love yourself enough to focus on your own life – really see what's going on. There are gifts everywhere if only we keep our arms open wide enough to receive them. Let us love you. Love us back.

We are the Ones we've been waiting for.

See you tomorrow.

Join our Quest here.

You tube link.

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