This is a process that in the end will yield a product. This product is you, but not a version of you
holding any notion of worth as truth.
The version we are looking to release understands that all are worthy equally.
It does not matter on which part of the planet your physical
body was born. Lines drawn on the ground
are separators which serve only one thing – the false notion of accumulation
and division.
Any idea that categorizes or limits the value of a person –
creating a barrier that must be crossed in order to access the heart, are
pretend. There are no kings or homeless
in heaven. The whole notion of equal, if it were to be truly experienced, would
have you comfortable to the same extent at both a soup kitchen and a banquet;
dining with those you’ve labeled royalty and those you’d call common. These names, the ones that make up social
commentary and that you teach your children, are not, in truth, indicative of
anything at all.
Until you can look with equal eyes at both the beggar and
the banker, you will not be seeing clearly.
In order for twenty/twenty vision, it becomes necessary that you let go
of notions of worth.
Worth is an idea perpetrated by those who have something to
“gain”. It is a false notion. The idea that one part of creation is worth
more than another part, is absurd.
Until the status of all of humanity is recognized equally,
this society is being manipulated. If
any aspect of your life is “run” by a group of people with a “name”, “category”
or “title” that grants them special
status, you are not free.
Life is what you were each given when conceived and that
fact alone tells you that access to any aspect available here is also meant to
be equally attainable.
“Earn” is another falsehood.
Its purpose is to instill in the populace an idea of servitude. Both terms, “earn” and “worth” are locked
together, creating an “opinion” that separates one piece of creation from
Labels like “worthless”, “lazy bum”, “poor”, “beggar”,
“jobless” and “homeless” not only categorize you but also reinforce the false
idea that some actions or circumstances indicate superior intelligence and
therefore greater value.
These false names and labels have been fed to us for
generations and it becomes necessary now to disregard them. As you walk upright into a unified world, all
heads will be held equally high.
Examine the inner dialogue you hold when you encounter each
other – does it reinforce hierarchy or equality? Understand that language is largely habit –
we will need new words consciously chosen in order to embrace sovereignty. This conscious dialogue will support an
overriding arch that retracts the necessity to “earn”; replacing it with the
idea that we each arrive equally worthy
and remain so throughout all of our lives.
We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.
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