Saturday, August 31, 2013

Everyday Oneness

It’s like watching an image, once pixelated, come together.  There is evidence in the everyday.

When the channellers emerged en masse two years ago, the message was clear.  Inhaling the enlightened fumes, arrogance emerged.  We were played brilliantly.  Misfits all of our lives, it was like giving us crack – we ate it up.  We were the Chosen Ones, the Special Ones, the Enlightened Ones, here to finally claim our untold worth.  Long life, prosperity, joy and beauty – this is where we belong.

The separation which had been only slightly obvious to us, clarified.  It was us who had the answers.  It was our job to enlighten those who didn’t know.  They were the many, we were the few.

As Oneness creeps quietly in, what surprises is what it looks like in the everyday.  It looks like friendships renewed with those previously neglected because they didn’t “get it”.  Everyone’s included.  It looks like saying yes.  Everything has merit now, the “no’s” come too, and with them the understanding that “no” is not rejection.  It is a matter of preference.

I choose what serves me and that benefits the whole.  I do what I like.  You do the same.  It’s all good.

There is an acceptance.  Ways to be, dress, eat, dance, sing, love and play are not good or bad – they are choices.  Love trumps everything.  Relationships take effort.  It’s about intent.  It’s about choice. 

There’s an addiction to something we’ll have to face.  We are looking to fly.  This addiction holds us to the ground.  It’s about control.  It’s about trust.  It’s about letting someone in, leaving the door open.  Wide open.

The specifics for each of us differ, beneath them we are One.  What holds us back is fear.

You see, we are the Chosen Ones, the Special Ones, the Enlightened Ones, here to finally claim our untold worth. Every single One of us.

There is nothing you need now – you are perfection; ready to fly.  The only thing left to do is believe.  With every thought, know that you are Gods.  When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, walk out the door – believe.  Believe in your power.  Know who you are.  Stop hiding.  You are God.

As things come up, and the pixelation returns, look right at it.  Stand your ground.  This thing, this thing bringing up the illusion, is not bigger, better, more beautiful, stronger, smarter or richer than you.  It is you.  It’s all you.  Just love it and absorb it into the life force that you are. 

We are the best and the worst of us, the oldest and the youngest, the cruelest and the most sainted, the horrific and the breathtaking.  We are One, here to join together.  We’ll have to come out of our cage to do so, step off our cliff, let someone in, give something up, release the wheel.

Our power is in Unity.  We have trusted and been lied to and hold onto that fact as a shield.  We crafted, told and believed that lie, hence its brilliance.  Put down your shield.  It was you who lied, you who believed and you who know the truth.  Remember.  It is time.  We did this on purpose.  The bravest, strongest, softest, gentlest, most intense and stimulating beings are us. 

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.


  1. Thank You, Sophia, for your focus and participation ! Namaste'!

  2. I'm speechless, wonderfully written up!

    As for me, my presence isn't needed, I have to "fix" my own life first. But the word seems to spread totally automatically, thanks to people like you!

    So much love for you!
