When we realize our value we will be valuable. When we realize our value we will be
valuable. When we realize our value we
will be valuable. We are not valuable
until we say so.
Why do you have low self esteem? Who told you to hate
yourself? You were programmed to comply and made to be obedient. When you realize your value you will become
You do not realize your value and so you do not see yourself
as valuable.
What makes one piece of paper more valuable than
another? One rock more valuable than
another? An agreement – words like “In
God We Trust” or “14 Carat” or “Twenty Dollars”. These words are not real. They are ink blots, fabrications, illusions;
all made up in someone’s head and by agreement, you call them true.
Ever have a tea party?
You take a toy tea set and fill the cups with sugar water and say that
for today, its tea. You know you are
playing. When the game is over you go
home and play something else. For those
of you who listened to the Blog Talk Radio show last night with Lisa Harrison,
it was like the middle of the tea party, and your big brother showed up. He looks in your tea cup and says “What are
you drinking? This isn’t tea!” Then he walks out. The game is over.
When the game ends you go home and play something else. Maybe you play house and pretend to be a mom
or dad. Maybe you play army and become a
soldier. While you play, every necessary
component is there because you imagine it to be. At the end of the game, they are all gone.
Our slavery system is over.
By agreement we have been declaring our value with our labor, our paper
and what we could manage to “own” with it.
Those who wrote the rules in the game summed up their value using how
much they “owned” – people, property, precious metals. It is finished, done, and complete.
Now that we’ve stopped playing, how will we “get” our
value? We’ve played the game so long we
forgot we were pretending. Value is not
found in paper or rocks. The value is
you. There is nothing to “get”. Just BE.
We’ve completely replaced self awareness with low self
esteem and outsourced our worth. It’s
not valuable unless we work for it, it spends, it’s shiny or it can be
converted into a number and tallied.
Love, compassion, kindness and care sound nice but they
don’t feed hungry mouths or buy houses. For that – you need cold, hard cash.
When you feel valuable – you are. When you expect everything, you’ll accept a
life of complete and constant fulfillment.
Abundance is doing what you want to, whenever you want to. (Bashar)
These “Creation Value Asset Centers” are another tool. Think about the tea set. You don’t really need one in order to have a pretend
tea party, since the tea is not real anyway.
They are fancy though, and fun.
They are much easier to understand than invisible teapots pouring
invisible tea.
The CVAC’s exist as places we’ll go, and just because we are
alive – we’ll have access to monetary representations of ourselves. They will function as interim equalizers; all
will have equal value there and equal access.
They will operate until we “get it” ourselves. Then the game will change and we’ll know
where the value is.
All are equal. All
are worthy. The value is within. The CVAC’s are us.
We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.
~~ I will include here a few more wise words, from another
teacher. Thank you, for your
contribution to our understanding.
The conversation about
our innate worth as living breathing humans is so big and so noble that I am
still taking it in.
We have been indoctrinated
with the idea that we are worthless as BEings, that only the product of our
DOing has any value at all and that our “net worth” can be stated on a balance
We have been steered
toward the “representation” of our worth (the monetary figure on the balance
sheet) and conditioned to believe that it equals our true value. All the while
the Powers that Were have been “harvesting” our life energy for their own
selfish gain.
OPPT has opened my
eyes to the places in the old paradigm that I bought in without even realizing
The $10 Billion figure
may or may not materialize in my personal life but I now have a monetary
representation that represents the magnitude of my true worth. Truly, we are
each priceless and invaluable but the $10 Billion figure was a wake up call for
me to see just how much of my SELF had been stolen from me without me realizing
it or me doing anything to prevent it.
In my mind, OPPT is
the greatest blessing to mankind in centuries. The trustees are heroes for the
risks they took to bring this forth for all the People of the planet, equally.
There is nothing more
for any of us to do, except digest this fact, integrate it’s meaning and begin
to live our lives free from the control of any other. OR NOT.
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