It is our third day and we are in it now. As we navigate the journey we notice
obstacles. There are many ways to get
there, all leading home. How will we
know when we arrive? I once heard Barry Neil
Kaufman (The Option Institute, author of “Son Rise”) describe what it was like
to be in a love relationship that was both intimate and equal. He said (and I paraphrase) “Being with
Samahria is like being alone. I never
worry about what I am saying or not saying, doing or not doing. I just Am.”
I’ve thought about that ever since, it seemed such an odd
response. He didn’t say “She completes
me” or “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me”. He didn’t put her in any place above or below
himself. In fact, he seemed to be saying
it didn’t matter if she was in the room or not. Yet if you saw them together,
you would recognize a deep and mutual love.
This is absolute freedom.
All have equal value here. This
place has no owners. There are
collaborators here. Partners. Co-creators.
Teams of equals. Humans
BEing. There are no Humans Owning. There are no Humans Owing. Debt is non-existent. In relationship to each other, we negotiate
and agree or not; all the while respecting the worth of each other. We do not withhold for personal gain, to hold
the advantage, the upper hand, or more.
More of WHAT? All are ONE.
Wrap your head around ONE.
What are you holding on to that separates? What false notions of slavery and ownership
are you stuck on? What is blocking your
personal path? What boulder are you
looking at? Consider them now; we are on
a Quest for Agape. Absolute
Freedom. Unconditional Love.
We all arrive unencumbered.
To Love unconditionally is to simply BE.
Wherever you are. The burden of
ownership is invented. It has inhibited,
contained and controlled you. It implies
the false notion that you control the life force of another. This is never true. All are One.
The force of Life that runs through everything springs from One Source.
This Force courses through all that you see. People, animals, plants, earth, water,
minerals, sky – are alive and intelligent and absolute. We may play together, sharing time, space and
responsibilities. Yet at no time in our
game do we stop being free. Even the
best actors at some point take off their costuming, let down their hair and
Deep in our Quest now, we see ownership for what it really
is; a burden. Ownership promises control
and safety and power. Ownership is a
lie. You can use each other, play with
each other and always, always love each other.
What you will never do is own each other. If someone believes they are
indebted to another person/corporation or owned by another person/corporation,
they are enslaved by their own belief - they are not enslaved by the
“other”. There is no “other”. There is only One.
You are not powerful because of what or who you “have”. You are powerful. You are not worth more or less because of a
bank account or a marriage license or a title.
You are worthy. Let go of
illusory things that seem to be holding you together. Know that you are enough.
You stand without requirement. So does everyone and everything else.
You are perfect.
Period. End of story. Breathe.
Feel the fullness of your BEing.
Love without explanation or the burden of control. Love with wild abandon. Love all of the players in this game. It is a grand, surprising and enthralling
party. Let go and love every BEing in
attendance. We are all here on purpose –
as One. We are the One we’ve been
waiting for.
See you tomorrow.
This is a powerful video. It addresses the importance of loving yourself just as you are.
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