We are waiting to receive that which we have; planning to do
what’s already been done. Do you “grock”
(really get) what’s going on right now?
Nothing less than revolution.
As the Declaration of Independence declared that which was
already true – “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness.” – so the UCC filings of the One People’s Public
Trust do the same. They return title to the people.
In 1776 the Declaration was directed at King George
III. Today it is a statement to
all. By putting it in the language of
commerce, where the manipulation and slavery systems have been set up and are
running, the Trust cannot be ignored; it is on the turf of the Powers that
Were. Now it is up to us to continue the
We are in the early, delicate, formative days of this new
world. Creation is happening with every
thought, each word and all action. It is
up to us to focus. Intend with clarity
to heal, to love, to play and to manifest in joy. For years we’ve heard that “thoughts become
things”. What are you thinking about?
How about freedom, abundance, love and vitality. The Trust has laid out for us a beautiful
path lined with gold; possibilities abound.
As the documents and changes are digested, we’ll start and stop, climb
and stumble, speak and recant, declare and change focus. It’s all okay. We haven’t been here before. We are learning and teaching together. One people, one Trust, one Truth, One. Fear need not be a part of the process. There is no failure. We are guaranteed success.
These are the early days, the days our grandchildren and
great grandchildren will read about.
They will be filled with variety and drama and excitement and zillions
of questions. We are answering them all
now – ourselves.
This clip (below) reminds me of the process we are all going
through. Ralphie’s dream is real and yet
he seeks validation and some sort of official stamp of approval on it to have
it recognized. The UCC filings of the
OPPT have done that; we don’t need to repeat them. It’s necessary to act free, feel free and
embrace freedom. Understand what that
means in your life. Unlimited is a challenging
concept for a former slave.
Yet like Ralphie, our dreams will shape our tomorrows. Like compound interest, as we add to the
collective imagination, possibilities expand exponentially. Where is your focus? You will only get more of whatever you insist
on announcing. Select carefully.
We can choose more of anything – polarity, blame, opposition
or unity and universal recognition of love.
We are One being, working out our structure and form in every moment of
The illusion of difference has led to corruption, greed and
service to self. It is the truth of
Unity that will heal us. See yourself
reflected in each other and love without condition. Dream big and engage your wildest
fantasies. This is freedom. It is exactly what you choose.
We are the One we’ve been waiting for.
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