Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Shattered glasses

We used to live in a small town in the country, encased in corn fields.  It had a grocery store, a pizza place, loads of churches and not much else.  One day, as the family was driving through town, our 9 year old said “I didn’t know we had a lake!”  Surprised, we followed his gaze.  It was a bright spring afternoon.  He was looking at a used car lot, with the sun reflecting off hundreds of highly polished cars.  It was then we knew.  He needed glasses.

Clear vision has its pros and cons.  The image of a sparkling lake is vastly more pleasing than that of a parking lot.  Both exist.  In order to reach that pristine setting you most likely need one of those automobiles.

The shape and color of a piece of glass or plastic changes everything.  Yet which is true?  Preferring a rose tinted world has led to a sort of shock.  The world can look rosy without glasses.  Until December 21st, 2012 this was not understood.  It is now.

What alters my world view is not corrective lenses; it is not anything outside of me.  I’ve been holding my shattered glasses, looking for someone to fix them.  There may be someone out there who can, but once they’re broken chances are they’ll break again.  What’s needed now is Lasik.

It is time to see clearly and with absolute conviction apply whatever tint seems appropriate.  The gift of this moment is clarity.  There are beautiful lakes and shiny cars everywhere.  We have only to choose where to focus.

It’s not what we are looking through that creates the hue, it’s what we are looking from – we start within.  We can correct our vision only temporarily with glasses.  A permanent fix happens from the inside.  All truth springs from self.  It is your deepest core that yearns for expression and hungers for love.  Freedom is the answer and it is found in agape.

On 1.11.13 we will begin a Quest for love, self love.  Agape is spiritual Lasik.  A side effect is empowerment.  It results in peace.  Further check ups are not necessary; nothing can alter the vision of a Master.  A Master knows only truth.  An unchangeable force is what you are.  You are love.

You are the One you’ve been waiting for.


  1. I AM, as ever, in Love and Gratitude for YOUR participation in this experience. Each moment of accountability in Now presence brings Light- and therefore Knowing that All is Well.

  2. I remember that! i still say it looks like a lake...


    1. :) You were/are the just the cutest!!! ♥ It sort of fits too... you have always seen the lakes hidden in the car lots! ;)
