Sunday, January 13, 2013

Prosperity Packages

Welcome to the 3rd day on our Quest!

You are love in human form, here at the helm, to usher in this package of prosperity.   What is going on now with the introduction of TOPPT to humanity is the beginning of the realization that in fact there are no longer chains in place to hold and enslave you.  You are free.  Yet like the elephant who replaces the chain when her keeper doesn’t, you feel strange and uncomfortable and so conduct yourself in a way that assures the chain stays put.

Until we let go of the need for the chain, we will continue to do just that.  We do not need the chain.  The chain exists in many disguises – religion, government, rules, fear, distrust, laws, debt, and ownership.  The very idea that God requires a piece of paper or a number – a registration if you will, is preposterous. 

You do not have specific rights because of where your feet are placed on the planet, how many coins you have, what label you go by or what sexual organs you have.  What this is about – is truth.  You have all rights simply because you are.

In our human form and in our tender beginnings as a free and sovereign race – words, rights and documents are necessary.  This is true largely because they have been the tools of our enslavement in the past.  These TOPPT documents have begun a process of realization, acceptance and announcement – we are free. 

There is deep resonance inherent in the idea that power does not need to be declared or granted, it merely is.  By being so, it is then evident; recognized by all.

Yet we are a young race and have yet to experience freedom in physical form.  We don’t know what it looks like.  We are on a learning curve.

When there is a place to go and it is a place we have never been, it is a bit “nervousing” as my son used to say.  We are unsure of the territory, the language, the culture.  We may not have the answers right away; yet they exist. We are building a framework in which they can be expressed and translated, understood and enjoyed.

It is not by accident that our first Quest in this year of Transformation and Rebirth coincides with the announcement of TOPPT.  We have stepped now deeply into the truth of who we are.  As we do, legal means arise for us to declare and be the sovereign beings that we are.

We have held on to the idea that a new world exists and have been looking for evidence of it.  Perhaps we’ve expected its introduction to come from an off world source, a God or a government.  In fact – it has.  As sovereign beings we are all of the above.  In order to know yourself capable of being your own keeper and holder of truth – you must be clear on who you are.

You are love – divinity on two legs.  We’ve been leading ourselves down this road for some time – one that holds no blame or judgment or other.  This road to Agape is not just about feeling better.  It is about BEing.  We are ONE.

Being all that you are demands first – awareness. Know yourself as love.  Be the Creator God that you are. Stand in the fullness of truth and just BE.  Be your wildest imaginings of yourself.  Be free.  As a being unencumbered with guilt, judgment or self-hatred – you will gift freedom to all you gaze upon.  We are ONE.

The joy we feel when we are held in the clear gaze of a very young child deeply satisfies.  Pure love does that.  There is nothing else that holds value across time, space and dimensions; regardless of the market or amount. Love cannot be quantified.

Agape is pure love and we are born as exquisitely wrapped packages of it – packages of prosperity.  Layers of shame and subservience cover yet do not diminish our worth.  Nothing can.  It is up to us to remember, to remove the layers and BE – unafraid, unencumbered and free.  We are brilliant beings of light here to demonstrate that truth.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

See you tomorrow,

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