We are more than half way!
Each moment brings us closer to our goal. Yesterday I was asked “What is agape?” Not wanting to be too long winded, I said
“It’s a special form of love – its unconditional love – It’s unconditional
self-love.” We don’t really have enough
words in the English language.
I think it is the Inuit who have many more words for love
than the English. Think about love – I
love my cat, who is right now sleeping next to me. I love my bird, who is incredibly trying to
put his silver bell on his head. I have
four children whom I adore and a partner I am crazy about. I have a mom who is the best mom ever, a
brother who is my hero and the most amazing older sister. In each case there is only one word. None of these relationships feel the same and
yet they are described using just the one word – love. So what about agape?
What does unconditional actually mean? Words like acceptance, freedom, allowing,
cherish, respect all play a part. Agape
has no exceptions. It is almost a
forgetting. Our Quest is searching for a
tranquil mind. If I have no worries or
fears or judgments I am closer to agape.
It is a deep awareness of the sanctity of everything. It is more than no blame or no judgment; it
is a rejection of the entire process – the process of needing to decide the
value of someone or something.
Because someone exists, they have worth and are deserving of
every possible consideration. There is
never a reason for doubt or concern or the granting of merit, de-merit, or
value. Every system of judgment in place
on the planet has been artificially installed to create separation and keep
polarity in place.
Polarity is a lie.
You are lesser than no one. We
all answer to the same rules of life.
What’s true is unity. What’s real
is love. Enlightenment is a realization
of Agape.
We are One. Love
yourself without restriction and what happens is we all begin to look a whole
lot better! There will be no cause for
decision making about reasons to love or hate.
You will engage in relationships with all of life as a process of
loving; your cat will receive quite a different expression of affection than
your Mom – yet each will know love.
Agape is the answer to every internal conflict. It becomes your foundation and from there
you’ll create our new world. We are just
about there. Let go of judgment. You’ll find only love remains.
You are the one you’ve been waiting for!
See you tomorrow,
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