Saturday, December 8, 2012

Let's get this party started!

The 12th of December is the beginning of an onslaught of light to the earth. 

Here is a link for the 12th hour on the 12.12.12 date; all time zones.

As we unite our energy at this moment, we activate the force of light coming onto our Mother Earth and accelerate the much heralded “New Age”.  We speak As ONE.

At your time (as shown above), meditate with an open heart and welcome the light.  Choose any method that works; from quiet contemplation to deep trance.  Visualize life propelled by only love.  It is lush, peaceful, abundant and vibrant.  We are the ones who will usher in this force for change.

Here is another opportunity to do the same, at perhaps another time that day:

This is an orchestrated event, meant to reach millions of us with a unified vision.

Here is their website:

Whether you participate in one, both or your own separately scheduled moment of celebration, join our world as we welcome and celebrate our victory for the light.  It’s been a long time coming.  We are just the Masters necessary to propel this shift.  Let’s get this party started.

We are the One we’ve been waiting for.

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