At midpoint now,
what can we see about how far we have come and the path ahead? This is a Quest. By definition then, we are searching for
something. Even if we are pretty sure
what it looks like and where it is, we don’t have it yet.
This is the spot in
our journey where we make a decision. It
is just as far either way. We can
continue or return with equal effort.
What will you choose?
Loving yourself is
not easy. There is a lifetime of reasons
why you shouldn’t. If your parents
didn’t give them to you, it was your teachers, the kids at school, society,
your friends or even lovers. By choosing
to continue now, you are declaring all of them wrong. Every justification for judgment must be
tossed. There is no exception. The only rule is love. Absolute, complete acceptance of every part
of you is what’s required.
You have no
faults. Every “but” in your head right
now must go. You stand without
requirements. Perfection needs no
improvement. Oh, you may want to change
your hairstyle, get in shape, get a new job or a new outfit. These are all choices you desire, not needs
that are necessary to make you worthy.
As a Master
Creator, you are aware of the power you hold.
Every moment is a Choice Point – “Love or Fear?” “Fear or Love?” Choose love and this journey is easily
walked. Your path to Agape is found in
your heart. The key is forgiveness and
with it you’ll open the door to bliss.
This is where we are meant to reside.
Please enjoy this
“I was recently told of an African tribe that
does the most beautiful thing.
When someone does something hurtful and wrong, they take the person to the center of town, and the entire tribe comes and surrounds him. For two days they’ll tell the man every good thing he has ever done.
The tribe believes that every human being comes into the world as GOOD, each of us desiring safety, love, peace, happiness.
But sometimes in the pursuit of those things people make mistakes. The community sees misdeeds as a cry for help.
They band together for the sake of their fellow man to hold him up, to reconnect him with his true Nature, to remind him who he really is, until he fully remembers the truth from which he'd temporarily been disconnected: "I AM GOOD".”
When someone does something hurtful and wrong, they take the person to the center of town, and the entire tribe comes and surrounds him. For two days they’ll tell the man every good thing he has ever done.
The tribe believes that every human being comes into the world as GOOD, each of us desiring safety, love, peace, happiness.
But sometimes in the pursuit of those things people make mistakes. The community sees misdeeds as a cry for help.
They band together for the sake of their fellow man to hold him up, to reconnect him with his true Nature, to remind him who he really is, until he fully remembers the truth from which he'd temporarily been disconnected: "I AM GOOD".”
You too can
surround yourself with love. There are
no reasons to hold back; anything but love is a wrong turn. The path to Agape is clear and simple. You are always okay – the spark of Divinity
is in your very heart. Feel the love
that fuels your soul. This is the core
of Oneness.
Love yourself in every
circumstance. Love yourself without
condition. There is only one way to
reach the end of this Quest, and you are the only one who can get yourself
there. You know every wrong turn – it’s
time to rely on the only GPS we all have – our “God Power Source”. That voice within has been waiting such a
long time to be heard – listen. “You are
love” it is whispering, “You are here to show the way.”
You are the only
one you’re waiting for.
See you tomorrow.
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